Year 6
Social and emotional learning
Which part of your brain are you using? How can you regulate and engage your thinking brain?
How can you calm your worries? The worry tree
Try some 'bunny breathing' to bring yourself back to being calm.
Check your 'learning by questions' account for reading comprehension revision.
Read these verses from a poem and answer the questions.
How many of these idioms sound strange?
Strand 1: Synonyms and antonyms
Strand 2: Can you differentiate between these facts and opinions?
Strand 4: Be a detective and use your inference skills.
Makesure you have explored all of these areas to prepare for reading comprehension.
Check your 'learning by questions' account for personalised revision.
Revise this information about the place value of numbers.
Click through the areas of learning here to find revision for paper 1: arithmetic.
Click this link and scroll down to find revision for paper 2 and 3.
Try this revision game to move between different areas of maths.
Watch this video to remind you of long division. Now try these.
Watch this video to revise how to multiply fractions. Now try these.
How do you divide a fraction by a whole number?
Watch this video to remind yourself how to convert percentages to fractions and decimals.
Key information about converting measurements. These videos will remind you how to convert measurements (length) (time) (capacity) (mass)
Try these word problems which use measurements.
Spelling, punctuation and grammar
Check your 'learning by questions' account for personalised revision.
What are metaphors and similes? What is personification?
Revise what you know about word classes here: verbs, pronouns, adverbs, modal verbs, prepositions, subordinating conjunctions, coordinating conjunctions, relative pronouns
Revise what you know about punctuation here: apostrophes for contractions, possessive apostrophes, semi-colons, commas, hyphens and dashes, ellipsis, bullet points, brackets, inverted commas,
Which of these spelling patterns can you improve? 'ough', 'cious' and 'tious', sounds that sound like 'shun', when 'ch' sounds like 'sh', when 'i' is spelt with a 'y', 'sion' suffix
Now you have refreshed your memory, try this spelling quiz.
History - current learning
What can you find out about the Indus Valley?
What was life like in the Indus Valley?
What artefacts are available and what do they tell us?
What could have happened to the civilisations?
Science - current learning
How does our circulatory system keep us alive?
Find out what blood vessels do by reading and watching this information.
History revision
What did archaeologists and historians discover about a local mill?
What was it like in a textile mill?
Science revision
Can you build a successful circuit?
What amazing facts can you find out about the human eye?
What happens when light enters our eyes?
What can you learn about light?
Design and technology revision
Parents and carers, the following documents help you to help your child with their learning:
Revision tips to help your child
Comments (78)
Show CommentsVery good at it
Hi mrs parker sharp we miss you.
Hiiiii!! I miss spring Grove
hi miss Parker sharp
Hi miss pk
hii miss parker sharp. im in yr 8 now and im used to highschool now but i still think of primary everyday. i will visit soon with iman
Heyy miss Parker sharp great seeing you today
high schools not that bad
i am going to miss spring grove so much
Really gonna miss spring grove