Welcome to Year 1's class page!
We get a new reading and library book, and spellings to practise on a Friday.
Here are some useful links that you can use to carry on your learning at home:
Press this link to hear all the phonics sounds.
Press the links below for phonics games:
Press here for a common exception word spelling game.
Can you practise writing your numbers to 20?
Can you count objects in your house?
Can you write your number bonds to 10?
Press this link for Maths games.
Can you read your library book or reading book at home?
Can you read other things in or near your house - food boxes, street signs and shop names all have words we can try to read!
Can you practise your spellings?
Press here for a fun English game!
In science this term we are learning about 'plants'.
Go for a walk outside - what flowers and trees can you spot? Do you know their different names?
Have a go at taking a plant apart and examining the different parts - what can you notice/ see?
Click here to explore different videos and information about plants.