Spring Grove

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Welcome to Year 3

Snow day work 07.01.2024


Maths -  Please practise   3x 4x and 8x tables- you can do this on TTRS or hit the button.


English:    Listen to the story on the following linkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ykJFmZdWU8 

                   Can you write 6 sentences using co-ordinating  and   but   or   so       

                  eg:   Kung Li needed to escape from the tower but there was no exit.


Computing:    This half term we will be practising and improving our typing skills- Please log into PurpleMash and complete the 2Do's.


RE:    This half term we will be learning about the important features of Islam. Please design a poster showing what you already know about the important features of Islam. Bring these posters in with you for house points!


Please also use this opportunity to complete any homework you haven't done yet: Spag/ maths.co.uk, spelling practise and reading. 


Have a safe but enjoyable day! I am looking forward to seeing you all soon! 


Click to view our Facebook page and see what activities Year Three children have recently engaged in.

Spring term-  Enchanting China

This half term we will be focusing on the Shang Dynasty in history, which took place almost 4000 years ago, where China is now located. We will also be reading Chinese myth and tales in English and writing out own stories. We will also be designing and making  Shang chariots in DT and creating Chinese ribbon dances in PE. 

Click on the following links to find out more: 

The Shang Dynasty




Chinese myths



Ribbon dances



In history we will be learning all about the Ancient Egyptians. We will be finding out about life in Ancient Egypt, Tutankhamen, hieroglyphics and the importance of the river Nile.  We will be also be writing instructions in English lessons about the mummification process.


Watch the following links to support your learning;




In Science we are find out about forces and magnets! We will be carrying out lots of experiments to find out which materials are magnetic and the strength of different magnets. Following the link  to find out more about forces and magnets.


In science this half term we will be learning all about light and shadows. Follow this link to learn more and complete some activities about light!


Welcome back to school! I hope you have all had a lovely holiday and  are ready for an exciting year at school!

Please check our class page regularly for learning links!

Activities to support basic skills and a little bit of support should you find yourself at home.


BBC bitesize - This site is HUGE! Lots of links to Grammar, Punctuation, Reading, Spelling and Writing.


Times Tables Rockstars - Remember to use your login details to access this site.

Hit the botton  Use this site to improve your mental recall of number facts.


MoneyMultiplication and Division - Parent booklets to support your child at home from White Rose Maths.

BBC bitesize - Lots of helpful material here to develop maths understanding.

Lots of games to play on this site - https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/index.html


Have you any 2Dos? Log on to Purple Mash.  Remember to use your username and password.

Click Dance Mat Typing to further improve your typing skills. (This will hopefully support you when completing tasks on-line.)


BBC bitesize - This term we are learning about Light.  


BBC bitesize - Useful units to study include: 'Counties and Cities of the UK' and 'Using Maps'.

Music:   Look at the Music Page and the Song Page for some fun activities! 

'Look after yourself'

Forest England have lots of ways to enjoy the outdoors and learning about nature. Click here for some family activities to enjoy together.



Comments (1)
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Iman(about a year ago)

I’m going to high school I’m really scared abt it but I hope u all have a good time at spring grove trust me it goes really fast I could remeber on Christmas at school miss Parker sharp and miss walker used to run around the balcony I think miss Parker sharp was angel and miss walker was fairy I miss my old school days


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