Year 5
Click on the links below to help with your learning this term in year 5
Spring 2 Work
Maths - Decimals and Percentages -
English - How to use inverted commas -
History - Ancient Greece -
Science - Forces -
PSHRE - Identity -
Reading - What is Inference? -
RE - What is Ramadhan? -
Autumn work
Maths - place value - Year 5 Place value - Year 5 Maths - BBC Bitesize
English - How to add suffixes to words ending in 'fer' - BBC Bitesize
Simple, compound and complex sentences - BBC Bitesize
Reading - Fun Poem Game - Free Poetry Activity for Kids (
Topic - The British Empire - Video
Science - Earth and Space - What is the solar system? - BBC Bitesize
PSHRE primary, Year 5 - Lesson listing | Oak National Academy (
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SNOW DAY WORK - Tuesday 7th January 2025
Maths - Please follow the links and complete the activities
Maths - How to add and subtract fractions - BBC Bitesize
Add two mixed numbers - Maths - Learning with BBC Bitesize
English - Learn your spellings
Complete your homework on & if you have not attempted it
Write an acrostic poem about the snow. Snowflake, Snowman, Snow
Science - This term year 5 will be looking at Science investigations - Click the link below and read the information and watch the video and then
complete the activities - Asking relevant questions - BBC Bitesize
Geography - Explore rivers - BBC Bitesize - Look through the BBC link and work your way through it.
Read the information carefully and have a go at the activity and the quiz.
In Year 5 the children have had an exciting Summer term. Lots of new learning has taken place. The children learnt about The Islamic Civilisaton, Animals, including Humans and they created a salad to sell at the Eid / Summer Fair.
In English the children have been writing a story set in a different culture and an explanation of how Hajj is performed.
In Maths the children were busy converting units of measure.
In DT the children learnt about cams and moving toys. They worked in groups to plan, design, make and decorate their moving toy.
The children visited Yorkshire Wildlife Park, where they had a fab time.
Look at our photos to see the fun activities we have enjoyed doing in Y5.
In Year 5 the children have had a very busy Autumn term. They have learnt many new and exciting things to add to their already existing knowledge.
In History the children have learnt about WW2 and why it started. Children were interested to find out why the children were evacuated. In DT the children learnt about strong, safe and sturdy structures. They then created their own structures using many different materials.
Some children enjoyed their time at Cliffe House. Their very first residential. They had an amazing time! They learnt lots of new skills – wood cutting, rock climbing and archery. Lots of children enjoyed the river walk.
Look at our photos to see our exciting learning taking place.
Work for 10th March 2023
Maths: Revise what we have learnt about fractions, decimals and percentages by watching this PowerPoint presentation and completing these questions.
Practice your essential times table knowledge on TTRS.
Reading comprehension: Read the questions about King Midas and the Golden Touch and find the answers in the text.
Science: Click here to watch the video and play the quiz to revise what you know about friction.
History: What can you find out about life in Ancient Greece? Create a poster to compare life then and now - remember, compare means showing similarities AND differences.
Carry My Story: Ask someone in your family about something special they have done. Listen to their story. Fill in the sheet given to you in class. Remember we will be sharing our stories with the class.
Investigating chemical reactions
We had a brilliant time investigating chemical reactions in our science lessons this half term.
We wanted to know what happened when we mixed different amounts of baking soda with vinegar. As you can see from the photos, it got a bit messy! We all loved seeing the balloons blowing up when the reaction produced carbon dioxide.
Early Islamic Civilisation
Another half term – another fantastic topic to learn about!
This half term in our History topic, we are learning about Early Islamic Civilisation. As per tradition, we started our topic with our topic exploration lesson. Have a look at the amazing work we did!
We worked in teams to research about Baghdad in the Golden Era.
Take a look at our fantastic WOW posters!
Early Islamic Civilisation (History) - Useful Links
History if Early Islamic Civilisation BBC
What was the Golden Age of Islam?
Use this research map to find out more about Early Islamic Civilisation
Some things we found out about deforestation.
These documents will help you support your child with their reading:
Reading information for parents