Spring Grove

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Hello Year 2 

A very Happy New Year to you all and I hope that you have had a lovely holiday.  I can't wait to see you all again very soon and I'm really looking forward to being your new class teacher. Thank you for making me very welcome in your class before the holiday. I have been very busy planning some exciting lessons for you.

Please stay safe and I will see you soon.

Use the links below to support you with your learning


Counting in 2s - What can you find at home that you can put into pairs? How many groups of pairs can you find? How many individual items is that? Write a calculation to show it.

Counting in 5s

Counting in 10s

Times tables

Place value

Fact families

Times tables

Arithmetic challenge 1

Arithmetic challenge 2

Count the money in these money boxes. Remember to look closely at the coins to recognise their value.



Write a letter to introduce yourself to Mrs Bray, you have already met her but make sure she knows all about:

  • your strengths
  • your interests
  • who your friends are
  • what helps you
  • what makes you happy

Remember to use your capital letters, fingers spaces and check that your letters sit on the line correctly. You could even draw a picture and colour it in.

Revise your knowledge of using capital letters and full stops with this activity. Explain to a grown up at home why and where we use capital letters and full stops.

Read this fairy tale - who are the main characters?

Now answer these questions about the fairy tale.

Use this activity to describe the main character.



Phonics games





Changing shape of materials


What does it mean to be a friend?

Click to view our Facebook page and see what activities Year Two children have recently engaged in.

H O M E   L E A R N I N G   R E S O U R C E S 

P H O N I C S 

P H A S E  3 - Parent video - Phase 3 games

P H A S E  4 - Parent video - Phase 4 games,

P H A S E  5  - Parent video -   Phase 5 games

eBOOKS - CLICK HERE and choose a free phonics story to read online.

Phonics story time - CLICK HERE and have a phonics story read to you. 

S P A G 

Home spelling practise is very important, as we are not just learning words for a test, but to improve our vocabulary and writing. Please encourage your children to practise reading and spelling the Year 1 and Year 2 common exception words.  Click here to access them. 

S U F F I X E S 

GraphemeA grapheme is one letter or group of letters used to write one sound, e.g. the sound ‘f’ can be written with the grapheme f (fun), ff (huff) and ph (phone).

 Syllables - Syllables are chunks within long words.

Adding Suffixes

You also need to know how to add a suffix to a word like this:

-ed (as in jumped),    -ing (as in playing),    -er (as in cooler),    -est (as in greatest),    -ful (as in grateful),    -y (as in tidy)

Click here and read through this PowerPoint with your child about adding -ing endings. 

Click here and read through this PowerPoint with your child about adding -ed endings. 

Click here and read through this PowerPoint with your child about adding -ed, -ing or -er endings. 

Click here and read through this PowerPoint with your child about adding -ly  endings. 

Click here and read through this PowerPoint with your child about adding -ful and -less endings. 

T I M E S  T A B L E S - online games and Maths practice

Please help your child to practise and learn number bonds for all numbers to 20 (e.g. the pairs of numbers which make each number: 7 and 3 make 10, 5 and 4 make 9, 13 and 4 make 17 etc.) as well as their 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables.  These are now part of the National Curriculum for Year 2 children and will be essential to their progress in Maths this year. 

Click here to access an online times tables game. 

Click here to access an online multiplication game. 

Click here to practice telling the time and recognising the minute and hour hand on a clock. Can you count in 5s to tell the time? We use the phrase 'o'clock at the top' to help us remember. Discuss half past, quarter past and quarter to. 

Click here to access an online mental arithmetic quiz. 

Click here to access a maths games using symbols ( + = - x and divide)

S C I E N C E   A N D   F O U N D A T I O N   S U B J E C T   R E S O U R C E S 

Look at the timeline of events that happened, what happened first? What happened after that? Which was the last event to happen?

Play this game to work as a historian. How do historians find out what happened in the past?

Click here - and watch videos from BBC Bitesize about plants. 

Click here - to play an online game about why plants grow in the Spring. 

Click here - and label the different parts of a plant. 

Thank you for your continued support. 

K N O W L E D G E   O R G A N I S E R S 

Knowledge organisers are a summary of the key facts and essential knowledge that pupils need about a unit of work or a curriculum subject. They are a really useful guide to help pupils improve their recall of key knowledge.

Knowledge organisers will be added below throughout the term which link to our topic area. They are an excellent way to introduce new vocabulary so please share and discuss them with your child at home. You can quiz them and ask questions about what new information they have learnt. 


Materials (Autumn term recap)

DT - puppets (Spring term)

Plants (Y1 revision) - read this first! (Spring term)

Plants Y2 revision (Spring term)


Christmas (Autumn term recap)

Diwali (Autumn term recap)


London Life (Autumn term recap) 

New London (Autumn term recap)

Please leave a comment and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. (comments need to be approved by a member of staff before they are displayed on the page). Thank You.


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